Hi dear reader, this is Julia writing here about my fascination for life in all its evolving diversity and how societies cultivate, conserve and celebrate it but also how its losses are grieved at, while changing our landscapes.

This is a little collection of encounters with life and the stories they leave behind. May the seeds they have planted within me will be dispersed, and who knows where they will settle, grow, and even flourish and fruit one day?

The life around us is often unseen, or if noticed, there is often a focus on othering. But we have much more in common than what distinguishes us. If you just see the “outside” and the “other” a little bit less so after reading this, my goal is reached.

The blog is a little inspiration going outside, connect and feel a bit more home there through our co-existence with all the organisms around but also in us. We are all in this together, we are all nature.

Little blog preview

The imperfect scientist

About my unlinear access to academia

(A little article so you know a bit more who is behind this)

Life is the dancer and you are the dance.

Eckhard Tolle