My favourite food from Israel. Brought there by Iraqui Jews its just the best, most flavourful sauce on this planet combining the incredible taste of fermented mangos with all sorts of spices. Its great on sandwiches but actually, I could add it to almost anything.

The amba recipe I followed was very well received on the mango farm I was woofing on La Palma and many people asked for the recipe and bought some of the sauce. Most of them never tried the sauce before and were quite intrigued.

For the Amba, I fermented green mangoes for a week, added with some salt covered with a towel in the summer sun (I turned them around daily).

Then I fried some spices (cumin, coriander, fennel and kadamom seeds, seeds, fenugreek, chili), 5-6 garlic and some salt. Mangoes and spices are mixed to a sauce. In the fridge remains good for a while (like some months).

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