The ultimate buscavida berry (bon vivant, in German “Lebenskünstler”)

You belong to no one; you grow where you please.

Your determination to thrive anywhere is unstoppable; you are nearly impossible to control.

You possess the ability to defend yourself.

You lure others with your sweet fruits making them aid you in your propagation, your proliferation.

You have mastered the art of living, the art of survival.

You are the buscavida berry.

Some more enchanted forest beings in the Northern Black Forest

While the Black Forest is one of the largest forest monocultures in Germany, its foothills offer a bit more diversity, with chestnut forests intermingling with birches, spruces, firs, and a few oaks. I love the array of colors, the diverse inhabitants, and the hidden treasures found in these forests. They will forever be my refuge.

The winter mushroom

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